Pay an invoice
Please enter the invoice number and customer reference number from the invoice.
Before you start
You will require the invoice number and the customer reference number from the invoice.
The customer reference number is last 8 numbers from the invoice. This is found in the top left-hand side of your invoice.

Payment methods
You can pay Lancashire County Council invoices online, using the following credit, or debit cards Mastercard, and Visa. You can also pay by direct debit.
Security certificates
Lancashire County Council use Worldpay electronic payment facility and all transactions, including card details, are encrypted for your security. In order for your web browser to encrypt the information, you may need to accept a digital certificate from Lancashire County Council which electronically verifies our identity. This certificate has been issued by Thawte (, who are a leading global Certification Authority.
Depending upon your web browsers settings, you may receive a warning with regard to accepting this certificate. It is quite safe to do so.